How not to get frustrated in Church when you are old

I’m your friend Dr. Charles Apoki, and today I want to share some insights on how to avoid frustration in church as you grow older.

My Journey and Observations

I recently celebrated my 65th birthday, and I’ve been a born-again Christian for nearly 40 years. As you mature in your faith, gain spiritual experience, and develop intellectually, you may find that you outgrow your pastor and the church system. This can lead to a sense of boredom and frustration when attending church services.

The Challenge of Overgrowing Your Church

As you evolve, your ideas about Kingdom work may conflict with those of your local pastor or even the larger denomination. When your suggestions, aligned with God’s principles and aimed at the good of the church and society, are met with resistance or indirect criticism, it can be disheartening. This disillusionment may cause you to feel isolated and tempted to withdraw from church activities.

Biblical Perspective

Matthew 24:12 warns that in the last days, the love of many will grow cold due to increasing iniquity. Despite the challenges and the potential disillusionment, the Bible also advises us not to forsake the fellowship of the saints. So, how do we manage this balance?

Practical Steps to Avoid Frustration

  1. View Your Church as Your Community Just as you cannot abandon your country, don’t abandon your church. Engage in repairing and improving it instead.
  2. Play Your Role Play your role within the church, no matter how small. I attend a small church where I contribute during Sunday school and participate in various fellowships. This involvement keeps me connected and purposeful.
  3. Seek Fulfillment Beyond the Church Engage in activities outside your congregation that bring joy and fulfillment. I found great satisfaction in supporting prisoners, lepers, motherless babies, and students. These acts of service allowed me to make a positive impact beyond the church walls.
  4. Broaden Your Horizons Participate in broader Christian fellowships and missionary work. I joined the Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship and traveled extensively for missionary work, which enriched my life and ministry.
  5. Utilize the Internet The digital age provides immense opportunities to share your experiences and knowledge. Through my YouTube channel, WhatsApp mentorship group, and writing books, I’ve reached more people and found greater fulfillment. The internet allows us to minister to a global audience with minimal resources.


Instead of becoming frustrated with the church, use your old age to reach and inspire as many people as possible. Despite any misbehavior by church leaders, we must remain dedicated to God’s work. Light your candle and let it shine brightly, bringing hope and encouragement to others.

God bless you, and stay strong in your faith journey.

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