In the first post, we looked at the types of stress and how one can be beneficial if channeled in the right directions, and how the other can be detrimental if not managed properly. We also talked about the difficulties most people face in discussing stress-related issues. The second post considered various causes of stress such as hereditary predispositions, societal expectations, religious excesses, family life, environment, work and business, academics, and personal phobias. In this concluding post, we’ll look at various ways of controlling and managing stress.

Managing Stress

The first step in solving a problem as we said in the previous post is identifying the problem. When the elements that trigger stress (stressors) have been identified, these methods can be taken to manage stress as the situation permits.

* Avoid the Stressor

Avoid places, things, and people that cause stress (as much as you can, and if you can).

* Alter the Stressor

* Adapt to the Stressor

* Accept the fact of life that some things are unavoidable


* Allow for fresh air in leadership where possible

When I burn paper from my printing press, I notice that if you heap all the paper together what you get is smoke but as soon as you spread them out into smaller units, they burn faster due to air aiding combustion.

In our churches, a lot of anointed workers are pressed down by “Press Beaters” (not Presbyters) who make others bitter, and before you know it, a breakaway has taken place and stress-related issues arise.

* Avoid Comparison

Avoid the leafy lifestyle.


* Learn to say “NO” to some things as a leader

* Do what you are good and gifted at and function in your area of comparative advantage

* Develop your own style

* Work with competent people

Sometimes you have to bypass any ‘Jannes’ and ‘Jambres’. If they are people who will deliberately act as obstacles to your progress, learn to avoid them and work with those who share your vision.

“Organization doesn’t really accomplish anything. Plans don’t accomplish anything, either. Theories of management don’t much matter. Endeavours succeed or fail because of the people involved. Only by attracting the best people will you accomplish great deeds.” Colin Powell

* Practice delayed gratification

More on Oysters And Pearls: Approaches To Life and The Caterpillar, The Pupa, And The Butterfly.

* Avoid the Hedonic treadmill

All human needs are insatiable. Learn to know how to strike the balance in the quest to living a fulfilled life.

* Know your rhythm

Some sleep early and wake up early, others sleep late and wake up late. I prefer to sleep late and wake up late. I work better at night.


* Planning

Start early to plan and prepare for an event, and putting things in place on time.

* Apply Pareto Principle called the 80/20 Rule

Concentrate your time, resources, and your energy on the most productive issues and delegate the rest to others.

* Delegation, division and decentralization

Exodus 18:13‐26; Acts 6:1‐7.

Many pastors and leaders want to do everything on their own for fear of either being irrelevant or others not doing it well. Sometimes it might be out of excessive enthusiasm.

The present desire for large congregations in our churches builds stress. Once a church, parish or Archdeaconry, province, district, zone, etc. reaches a certain number, divide it into parts and let others grow too.

* Exercise regularly in your own way

* Partner with nature

Take a walk, swim, climb mountains, etc.

* Forgive

More on The Seed Of Esau—Would you have forgiven Jacob?


* Learn to laugh at yourself

* Fellowship regularly

* Go to “Jerusalem” regularly

This is a coded message for only married people.

* Exercise faith in God by reading, memorizing, meditating, confessing and praying according to the word

Philippians 4:8; 1 Peter 5:7.

God Bless You.


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